Template to Request a Credit Limit Increase
This letter can be used to request a credit limit increase from a creditor such as a credit card company or bank. Requesting a credit limit increase is useful if you have a large purchase planned or perhaps you are going away and know you will be spending more on a credit card than normal. Be aware that if you increase your credit limit you must demonstrate that you have the means to make repayments.
The Information You'll Need:
- Your Name and Address
- Recipient (bank/credit company) Contact Details
- Your reference (account / customer number)
- Supporting evidence / reason for credit increase
The Letter Body:
[Your Name][Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]
[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[City, ST ZIP Code]
Dear [Recipient Name],
Re: Request for Credit Increase - Your Customer Account Reference
I would like to request a credit increase for my (insert type of credit card here) because (insert reason for request).As you will see in your records, I have been a customer of (insert company name here) for (insert number of years here) and during that time have consistently kept my accounts in good financial standing.
Should you need further verification of my current financial status, I would be more than happy to meet with you in person or send copies of any documents you need via email, fax or post. The best way to contact me is via (insert details of your preferred contact method here) between (insert preferred contact time here).
I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Your name
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